HE inaccessible Word, the bread that comes down from heaven, is not contained sensually, but rather He contains and touches and without commixture is united with the worthy and well prepared to receive Him.
Christ averted that sword and opened the entry and in the whole world planted the tree of life, rather He gave us the power to plant it every day, the tree that grows instantly and brings eternal life to all who eat of it.
Everyone's soul becomes brighter, the visible and material body is altered and changed to immaterial and spiritual above all senses. And how great would become in us the pleasure and joy of our meeting each other, it is certainly ineffable and inaccessible to the thought.
But if we won't sense anything more inside us than the visible food, and some other life won't come to our knowledge, then it is just bread and only, not God, that we partook of. ... The living water passed by your soul like through a channel, because it did not find a reception worthy of it.
Christ averted that sword and opened the entry and in the whole world planted the tree of life, rather He gave us the power to plant it every day, the tree that grows instantly and brings eternal life to all who eat of it.
Everyone's soul becomes brighter, the visible and material body is altered and changed to immaterial and spiritual above all senses. And how great would become in us the pleasure and joy of our meeting each other, it is certainly ineffable and inaccessible to the thought.
But if we won't sense anything more inside us than the visible food, and some other life won't come to our knowledge, then it is just bread and only, not God, that we partook of. ... The living water passed by your soul like through a channel, because it did not find a reception worthy of it.